Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The First Pint

There are some out there who have been encouraging me to blog (and others who could really care less), but deep down I'm suspicious that they're really just tired of hearing me go on about topics they consider mundane and are just crossing their collective fingers that I will find an outlet that doesn't actually require them to sit across from me and feign interest for what, to them, must feel like an eternity. So, to those I present this blog. I thought the name would be a nice take off on "Zippy the Pinhead", but then I wasn't really sure why I would want to do that or how it would be relevant. Oh well, it's up and running now.

I hope this site will be a nice opportunity for people to talk about beer, wine or any other spirits. It will also act as a digital record for all of my and the other authors endeavors into the world of home brewing. In fact, see below for the latest effort (a group effort with Lucas, Debbi and Hannes).

So here goes. I can't promise to always (or ever) be entertaining, but I can promise to continue drinking beer.



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