Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Day Arrives

After weeks of waiting, Saturday was finally the day to crack open the beer that we began brewing back at the end of July. Co-brewers Lucas and Debbi were there to taste their creation and Greg came down from Vancouver to join me and Kelly in the unveiling. The general consensus is that we produced a quality beer despite some of the earlier concerns (see previous posts). It has a nice crisp, light flavor, which is what we were seeking. We really wanted something that would hit the spot on a warm afternoon. The only complaint that I have is that it's a little bubbly. Because we're bottling we have to prime the beer with some corn sugar. Normally you use 3/4 cup for five gallons of beer, but I think this batch was just short of five gallons; so, when we used a full 3/4 cup for our batch the beer came out a little more carbonated. Let the calls begin to have us start kegging. Now that we have conquered this batch it's time to move on to the next batch. We're going to try and get it done before school starts on September 29th and it looks like we're going to with a Belgian-style beer. Stay tuned to PintHead for the goings on with the next batch.



Our Beer - Preferred by kick-ass Australian's the world over

1 comment:

Beer Traveler said...

What is up with the Log Cabin syrup?