Friday, October 10, 2008

Off on a Trip Around the Beer World

For some reason I've decided that working full time and taking classes full time just wasn't enough of a challenge, so I've embarked on another endeavor that I am hoping to complete by the end of this school year. There is a local establishment in Corvallis called Suds & Suds, that is attached to Woodstock's Pizza. This is a great idea, it's a place where you can do your laundry (suds #1) and grab a pint of beer (suds #2), although whether or not the laundry part is still functional is in question.

But this blog is not about soapy laundry it's about the other suds. Now to get to the point of this post. At Suds & Suds (just Suds for short) they have a challenge that anyone is welcome to undertake. With over 30 beers on tap and several more in the bottle the beer adventurer can obtain a card to track their progress through over 50 beers. Each individual triumph must be signed off by the on duty tap master, just to make it legitimate, but at the culmination there is no end of recognition and reverence. Basically you get your name on the wall and a t-shirt, which in reality is enough of an incentive for me to embark on this trial (despite the previously mentioned time obligations).

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